DIRECTORAnnette Windlin
STUDIOTiny Giant
Valentina Maria Mächler
Claudia Röthlin
Yves Gutjahr
Tell 2024: After eight years without a play, Schiller's William Tell will be performed in Altdorf, the capital of Uri, as one of the most important cultural events of the year.
It's about defense and revenge. What is just and right, what is criminal and wrong? Director Annette Windlin explores these timeless questions with around 70 actors in her production of Friedrich Schiller's William Tell. Once again in its over one hundred year history, the Tellspielgesellschaft Altdorf is bringing what is probably Switzerland's best-known play in German literature to the stage of the Tellspielhaus in Altdorf. Tradition is brought into the present - fresh and timeless.
The Tellspielgesellschaft Altdorf was founded in 1899 and celebrates its 125th anniversary in 2024. It is the winner of the Swiss Performing Arts Award 2023.